• Outdoor Activity
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall

Plains of Abraham Trail

Year-round Access
Accessible site

This multifunctional and interpretive trail for pedestrians and cyclists is located near Gilmour Hill, connecting the Samuel-de-Champlain Promenade and Old Quebec.

Une femme courant sur une piste multifonctionnelle en nature sur le plaines d'Abraham à l'automne.
A woman running on a multifunctional trail in nature on the Plains of Abraham in the fall.


1 km


Groomed in winter


Lit trail


1 km


Groomed in winter


Lit trail

A Multifunctional and Interpretive Trail

Spanning just over a kilometer, this trail in a natural setting highlights the beauty and history of the area with its resting areas, interpretive panels, and impressive views of the St. Lawrence River.

With a gentler slope than that of Gilmour Hill, the trail, independent of road infrastructure, was designed to facilitate the movement of pedestrians and cyclists.

Groomed in winter and lit year-round, the Plains of Abraham trail becomes a safe and popular spot for park users between the Samuel-de-Champlain Promenade and Old Quebec.

Gilmour Hill area

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