Maison Smith Café

Accessible site

Located at the central pavilion, next to the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand, the Café La Maison Smith offers coffee, food and refreshing drinks throughout the year.

Visiteurs devant le nouveau café La Maison Smith des plaines d'Abraham / Visitors in front of the Café Maison Smith building

A stone's throw from the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand

Established in the heart of Old Quebec in 2013, the Café opened its doors in June 2024 on the Plains.

Located in the central pavilion, just steps from the Edwin-Bélanger Bandstand, this new branch is open year-round. Throughout the seasons, the team refreshes the menu to offer beverages, drinks, and food.

The schedule varies with the seasons, the cultural programming at the Edwin-Bélanger kiosk and events taking place on the Plains.

Smith Mobile & Espresso Bike

In summer, stop by the Smith Mobile on your way to the Joan of Arc Garden. To the delight of young and old alike, thea espresso bike also wanders through other areas of the park, including the sports field and Cap Diamant.

Maison Smith Café


Plan your visit


Phone number: 418 622-6846 


Web site: 


Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Schedule subjet to change.